Eight of Cups Tarot Card Meanings

Eight of Cups

The Eight of Cups is the eighth card in the Cups suit. The illustration shows a man walking away from a river, on the other bank are some cups stacked irregularly, leaving a large visible gap. Heading away, the man is abandoning his cups, the structure they created left unfinished.

Below, you will find details of the card meanings of The 8 of Cups tarot card. But first…

…We would recommend speaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The 8 of cups tarot card in relation to your life. That way, when you read the details that follow, you will be able to fully relate. You can do this with a free tarot reading from our experienced, highly-recommended experts at Keen and Psychic Source.

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Eight of Cups in a sentence

The Eight of Cups tarot card represents a change in feeling towards certain aspects of your life, giving up due to dissatisfaction and having a new perspective.

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    Eight of Cups in a time-based position

    Past – The Eight of Cups in the Past position means that a previous aspect of your life hasn’t worked out and you’re currently looking for something new. It might have gotten some way through but for whatever reason, you gave up on it. It might not have felt right, or you could have thought there were better things. This can be many things; a creative project, a relationship, a course of study. You have to break negative ties you to your past.

    Present – The Eight of Cups in the present position means you’re going to experience something new, and it will be completely different. You need to break out of your shell. What’s keeping you tied up and constrained? You can’t be like this forever. Move towards what you want to do. The Eight of Cups is quite a negative card, so expect something bad to happen. The days following a bad experience are crucial to your recovery. Sometimes, after a traumatic event like a breakup, we can cower in our shell and not want to experience the world. Honestly, just take each day as it comes, deal with things one day at a time.

    Future – The Eight of Cups in the future position suggests that a future aspect of your life might not go to plan. Consider if you’re on the right path, to begin with. Are you doing what you want with your life? On the upside, however, it may lead you to new things. You really have to just go with the flow. Think about your life now. Bad things are going to happen in the future, you can guarantee it, it’s simply a fact of life. prepare if you can, but more often than not, something bad will come out of nowhere.

    The Eight of Cups in regards to life issues

    Work / Education – This tarot card in regards to work or education means that you might not currently be on the right path. Is it really for you, is this what you really want to do? If it isn’t, why are you doing it? To sustain your current lifestyle? Start looking for other options. If you want to stay where you are, look at what you can tweak to make it more enjoyable and personal. Something may go wrong at work or school that will push you away. You can always repair the problem, but you might start feeling like you’ve ‘had enough’ and that it’s time to leave it all behind.

    Romance – The Eight of Cups in romance is a sign that your current relationship status might come to an end. Whether you’re single or committed, consider the opposite. Like the other points, is this really you? Do you really want this type of relationship? You might not feel like it’s right. Is this relationship good for you, or your partner? If you’re having fight after fight, then it might be best for both of you to leave it. This might not be a permanent break, notice how in the illustration, the man leaving the cups has not ruined them. It could be that he is off on a search for a solution.

    Friends – The Eight of Cups in regards to friendship means that you might need to branch out into some new circle of friends. Is it getting tiring, hearing the same stories and quips over and over? Don’t stagnate. Did you make friends with some people, but they turned out to be different? it won’t hurt to make friends with other people.

    Money – The Eight of Cups in regards to finances can have a few meanings. If you’re well off, you might feel like something is missing. Money frequently doesn’t bring happiness. Help other people out if you can. Try volunteering or giving things away. If you aren’t well off, try not to ‘settle’ if an opportunity comes along, Do you really want to get stuck in a routine of working paycheck to paycheck? consider self-employment in addition to what you already do, especially if you have an idea in mind. Many people think they aren’t ready for self-employment, but more often than not it’s better to start and fail than to never begin.

    Health – The Eight of Cups might mean you’re constantly thinking about how things could be better or possibly focusing on other peoples lives. Do you check Facebook every day and look at how everyone else is doing? Don’t compare, it’s only an illusion of their life. nobody posts the bad things. If you can, try taking some walks in the countryside. A short break somewhere natural will be really good for you.

    Spirituality and Mentality – The Eight of Cups tarot in spirituality just suggests you need some alone time. Sometimes we can have so much to think about that it’s overwhelming. You can have great revelations by just being alone for a short while. Problems can be fixed later, with a clear mind and a new perspective.

    The Eight of Cups Reversed

    The Eight of Cups reversed tarot card can represent the worst aspects of this card, the hopelessness when something is incomplete or unanswered. You’re walking away, but in essence, you still want to be back there, where you were, trying to fix things. We feel like this soon after a traumatic event. If only we were there a bit sooner, asked a bit earlier, told them how we felt before something happened.

    Numerology of The Eight of Cups

    Eight represents energy and forward momentum. A strong number, it will guarantee success. The Eight of Cups in numerology is a sign to take control of your life and move onto the path you wish to take. If you’re not satisfied currently, then why are you still here? Many eights in a reading suggest a strong, positive change in your life.

    Keywords for the Eight of Cups

    Moving on, weariness, restlessness, wanderlust

    Other associations of The Eight of Cups

    Element: Water

    As a Yes or No question: No

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    Article Info

    Date: Apr 11, 2015
    Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. She has written many articles on a variety of topics within the spirituality niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Readings, Love & Relationships, Spells & Magic and Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her e-book).

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