Weekly Tarot Card – July 3rd

Queen of cups candles

Welcome to the first ‘weekly card’. Each Monday, we will feature a card and how it may affect you in the coming week. A weekly card is a general reading for all and in short it means; How will this week be? A weekly card reminds us to be mindful of the particular aspect of the card and how it manifests in our lives. Can a ‘one card for all’ approach truly work? Yes, of course, as long as you interpret it in a certain way; be mindful of the ‘things to look out for’ below. If you’d like to let us know if this card had an effect on your week, please let us know!

Our first weekly tarot card is the Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

The Queen of Cups can represent a powerful woman influential in your life, but also maturity and sensitivity. To find out more about the 13th card of the Cups Suit, check out it’s card meaning here.

Things to look out for this week:

Number : 13

Person : An older woman

Activity : Reconnect with someone who has helped you in the past and tell them how much you appreciate them.

Be Mindful of : Someone new that will require your help.

Other : Pay attention to your dreams this week!


For more information, check out The Queen of Cups card meaning here.

Tarot Explained eBook out Now!

tarot explained ebook

e-Book Tarot Explained

The Tarot-Explained eBook is out now. It contains all of the site content in an easy to read an indexed format, as well as some new content. The ebook makes it perfect for performing or learning more about tarot when you don’t have an internet connection. Check it out here!



Tarot Explained eBook!

tarot explained ebook

The first edition of the Tarot-Explained eBook is coming up for release on July 1st. While Tarot-Explained.com will always be free; hosting for websites isn’t. The eBook is an optional purchase for anybody who would like to support the website, as well as have access to the site content while offline. At the moment, the eBook is only available on Amazon. In future, it will be available on other platforms and for other eReaders. Check it out here or click the image to see the eBook.

Happy Summer Solstice!

Tarot card - The Sun

I hope you’ve had a good year so far. The Summer Solstice is a special time of year; marking the middle. It’s the longest day before the nights start drawing in and autumn closes into winter. The summer solstice is a good day to look forward and plan the remainder of the year, either pragmatically or magically. Tarot is a good tool for this.

Do a reading now, have a look at our Spreads for ideas. A good idea would be a 6 card spread, one for each month that remains this year. Another great choice would be a 12 card spread, six for the previous months and six for the next six months. You may see some interesting patterns emerge when you consider the past as well as the future.

Did you celebrate the solstice? I’d love to hear how. Let us know in the comments below!

Tarot in real life – The Eight of Pentacles

Tarot card - The Eight of Pentacles

Since I started this site, the Eight of Pentacles has been my favourite card. You may be able to see why if you already know the meaning;

A positive card, you should expect good things to happen when you see it; especially aspects relating to a creative industry, or a project or part of your life that you have worked extremely hard on and dedicated yourself to.

I’ve dedicated an awful lot of time to researching Tarot cards and making sure that the content on Tarot-Explained is as good as it can be. I feel the Eight of Pentacles embodies the spirit of creating something for others. The Apprentice works on his bench creating pentacles and displaying them for others and himself. None of them are perfect but they change and improve. The site is constantly being updated and improved, and I work on the feedback provided through the contact page. I have an image of the card printed off by my desk, I use it as a type of ‘hang in there‘ poster, just to remind me why I’m working on this site and to keep myself grounded.

I sometimes feel that hard work is an element of life that is lost for many of us, and I think it’s because we all spend a lot of time focusing on things we don’t enjoy. Many of us don’t enjoy our jobs or see them as a waste of time. You really have to face that you may be in the wrong field if that’s the case. If you have a job you truly love then it isn’t work, it just becomes natural. The apprentice in the illustration isn’t happy or sad, he just exists naturally. If you need your job but don’t enjoy it, then, as I’ve discovered, a side hobby can really bring a new element to your life.

Do you have a favourite card? If you’d like to talk about it, let me know!


Mobile Update

mobile update image tarot explained

mobile update image

If you’ve been browsing Tarot-Explained.com on a mobile device recently, you may have seen a few new features. The menu has been optimised for mobile view. The header has two menus, a ‘Quick reference’ menu, and the regular ‘Full site’ menu. I find it much easier to navigate Tarot-Explained when I’m on my phone now! There’s also a button when you first load the site, which looks like a small phone. If you tap this, it will let you add Tarot-Explained to your phone home screen for easy access.

I hope these small updates enhance your experience with using Tarot-Explained.com. If you experience any problems, please send us an email from our Contact Page

Reverse meanings

upside down tarot cards

I recently received an email asking why Tarot-Explained doesn’t have any definitions for reverse meanings; that is to say, cards that are upside down when dealt. There are a few meanings for this, and this isn’t a technique I practice when I read tarot.

Firstly, Tarot cards have been given specific meanings, there are already cards that can mean opposites. If you were meant to get a negative meaning but you drew a positive card upside down, surely you should have drawn a negative card in the first place?

Secondly, Tarot cards and playing cards have a lot of similarities. We never read playing cards upside down, as there is no upside down for them. Some Tarot decks also do not have an illustration, and therefore cannot have a reverse meaning.

Finally, I shuffle my cards in a very thoughtless way. I don’t want to introduce thought into shuffling cards, I want it to be a random approach. Introducing any sort of consciousness into the process just doesn’t feel right, for me!

That isn’t to say there is no merit to reverse meanings. As a general rule, any card meanings can be read as the opposite when the card is drawn reverse. If it feels right to you, then read your cards with reverse meanings!


Site Update – New cycle

Tarot card - The Fool Major Arcana Reversed

It’s time to go over the site and update, fix problems and tinker. Maintaining a website such as this requires constant updating, refreshing and fixing. Over the coming weeks we’ll be adding to each card page, updating the spreads and adding new features to make tarot-explained.com even better than before. It’s unlikely that there will be any downtime, but if there is any, it’ll only be for a very short while!

This round of updates is to make sure that the current definitions of each card and spread are as good as they can be, before new content is added.

Using Tarot in everyday Life: Yes and No

tarot yes or no

One of the simplest spreads you can do with a set of tarot cards is a ‘Yes or No’ spread. Most cards have more positive or negative meaning, and from this you can simply determine the answer to a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ question. Some cards are a bit more ambiguous, and the answer may change depending on the question.

Let’s run through an example!

Jane wonders if she’s ever going to go on the holiday of her dreams. She consults the tarot and draws a single card; The Page of Swords. The Page of Swords is quite a positive card, so from this, Jane can determine that the answer is going to be yes. It’s as simple as that. The whole reading was over in less than a minute.

Lets have another example, where things aren’t so clear cut.

Jane wants to see if her weekend is going to be a good one or not. She draws a single card; The MoonThe Moon isn’t as positive as the Page of Swords, and the answer here is No. Jane might wonder why her weekend isn’t going to be a positive one, so she draws another card, or two cards for each day (Saturday and Sunday). The Yes and No tarot spread can open up this way, you may want to explore the initial answer by chaining your spreads together.

The Yes or No spread is best used to get a different perspective on a decision you need to make. Do you want to go to the cinema? Do you want to talk to this person? Always treat the spread as a separate person giving you an opinion. You don’t have to do what it tells you, where’s the fun in that!