Happy Summer Solstice!

Last Updated on August 13, 2019 by Alice Ruffle

I hope you’ve had a good year so far. The Summer Solstice is a special time of year; marking the middle. It’s the longest day before the nights start drawing in and autumn closes into winter. The summer solstice is a good day to look forward and plan the remainder of the year, either pragmatically or magically. Tarot is a good tool for this.

Do a reading now, have a look at our Spreads for ideas. A good idea would be a 6 card spread, one for each month that remains this year. Another great choice would be a 12 card spread, six for the previous months and six for the next six months. You may see some interesting patterns emerge when you consider the past as well as the future.

Did you celebrate the solstice? I’d love to hear how. Let us know in the comments below!

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