Hallowe’en updates!

Last Updated on October 28, 2017 by admin

It’s Halloween again, arguably the best time of the year. Last year, we introduced a Halloween spread for you all to try out. If you weren’t here for it, give it a go this Halloween! Tarot-Explained.com has seen a number of updates recently, so we’ll summarise them in this post.

Sometimes a written definition isn’t enough for a tarot card description. Maybe it doesn’t seem relevant enough or fit just right. We’ve started adding keywords to each card description, starting with all of the Major Arcana. You can find them on the card description pages, near the bottom. Sometimes a keyword can help more than a given description, it gives you a different perspective and a more open starting place to draw connections from. Soon, all of the cards will have keywords attached.

We’ve also drawn up a road map of new features to add to each card; symbology, astrological ties and card connections to name a few. It’s exciting to work on and I’ve loved seeing this site grow. In January, Tarot-Explained will be three years old! Thanks for sticking around, and thanks for the nice comments I’m receiving through email.

All the best.

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