January 2018

Last Updated on January 21, 2018 by admin

tarot fool icon

I hope you’ve all been having a good year so far, a number of cool new things have happened on Tarot-Explained this year, most notably our readings! We’er offering readings, both Free and premium readings through Fiverr, and we’ve got loads of cool website features planned for 2018, read on for more info.

Tarot Readings

We’re now offering tarot readings and they’re proving to be exceptionally popular. Find out more at the tarot reading page here. For no obligation, you can request a free reading, this includes on card and an email response. A premium reading can answer three questions and will be delivered promptly. They have proven to be much more popular than I’d imagined so there are only limited slots open for each. I really want to add value for premium readings so first of all, they are very low cost.


The newsletter is now live. You can sign up with the widget on the sidebar. Simply enter your email address and you’ll be subscribed. In future, there will be a tarot card of the week, as well as special newsletter only offers. You’ll hear about things first on the newsletter!

Website features

The site is complete, but that doesn’t mean more bonus features can be added! We’ve been requested a number of times to add inverted card meanings to each page. These will be added as soon as they have been thoroughly researched. Symbology for each card will be finished this year too!

Stickers and phone cases

Finally, designs for each card will be added to the redbubble store. You can view the store here. These stickers have been so so popular. It’s quite a bit of work to touch up each card and get it ready for print. Redbubble frequently have savings so these stickers and phone cases, so be sure to check back frequently.


That’s all for now, expect an update mid-February. As always, thank you for visiting Tarot-Explained!




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