Page of Swords Tarot Card Meanings

Page of Swords

The Page of Swords tarot card is the eleventh card in the suit of Swords, and the first ‘face’ card. Just coming from the Ten of Swords, the Page of Swords is a step up in terms of positive energy. Face cards can stand for a real person in our lives, in this case possibly someone younger than the receiver of the reading but could as well be the person receiving the reading.

Below, you will find details of the card meanings of The Page of Swords tarot card. But first…

…We would recommend speaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The Page of Swords in relation to your life. That way, when you read the details that follow, you will be able to fully relate. You can do this with a free tarot reading from our experienced, highly-recommended experts at Keen and Psychic Source.

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Page of Swords in a sentence

The Page of Swords tarot represents trying too hard, restlessness and a dangerous thirst for knowledge.

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    Page of Swords in a time-based position

    Past – The Page of Swords in the Past position can represent a past event where you were a little too ambitious and focused. It could have been a time when you experienced a vision of what you wanted your life to turn out like, and it gave you great motivation. You went for it, but you may have alienated others that would have helped you. Are you an arrogant person? It might be time to reflect and learn lessons.

    Present – The Page of Swords tarot in the present position should make you reassess your personal relationships with others. Do you have a strong or overbearing personality? You should tone it down a little. Try not to think you’re better than others, because they might value different things in their life to how you do. Not everybody is minimalist, nor materialistic, some value wealth and others do not. There is not one way to live life.

    Future – The Page of Swords card in the future position can mean that you currently feel locked down and restrained.  We all want to be free. Sometimes, more often than not, you have to work for it. Don’t expect the benefits of changing your life to come without the related hardships. Acting quickly, and alone, might be in your best interest here, as you’ll be able to express your thoughts without them being clouded by others.

    The Page of Swords in regards to life issues

    Work / Education – The Page of Swords in regards to work or education isn’t a good sign. Try to tone it down and become less personally involved in the near future. You might be putting people off by being so overbearing and active. If you want to stay where you are, remember that you’re not above the law. Don’t spread rumours or try to get above others by making them seem worse.

    Romance – The Page of Swords tarot card in romance isn’t a great sign, but it isn’t a wholly negative one either. Try to balance things out, your partner is a person too. Try to give them some time and go out of your way to do something special. It’s important that you’re both happy around each other, so give each other space, especially if things have been difficult recently. There might be some conflict, so when it starts don’t revert back to your old ways and try to win the argument. Try to settle the argument fairly. If you’re single,

    Friends – The Page of Swords tarot in regards to friendship means things might be getting a bit difficult. Try not to spread any arguments or gossip now or in the near future because it will backfire. There’s no need to participate in talking behind someone’s back, even if others are about to do so. We all act differently around other people and it’s hard to draw the line of who we are, but once we start deceiving others into who we are, it can all come crashing down when you’re found out.

    Money – The Page of Swords in regards to finances is a mixed sign, depending on your personality it could mean good or bad news. If you’re the sort of person who works hard, then you’ll see the rewards. However, if you tend to let others do the majority of the work, you won’t be rewarded nearly as much as them. It’s not the time to expect any windfalls, so plan ahead instead of waiting for a miracle. Put in the effort and it’ll pay off. Do a bad job and you’ll be rewarded in kind. If you’re up for a promotion or job interview, then it’s especially important that you should be honest with any question they might ask.

    Health – The Page of Swords tarot card leans more towards your physical state than your mind. Are you hiding anything, or burying anything deep down? Make sure you’re not overdoing things or breaking your limits to keep up with others, We all go at our own pace, life isn’t a competition and you can do some serious damage if you don’t know when to quit. Try something new, something you’ve been putting off for a while. This will greatly boost your mental health. Go somewhere new, talk to a new person, try a new hobby, for instance.

    Spirituality and Mentality – The Page of Swords tarot card in spirituality means that now might be a good time to focus more on your neglected spiritual side. If you don’t have a spiritual side, you can still look into it simply as inspiration for other areas of your life. After all, it may be the thing you feel is missing from your life. Look into something new, try a new technique. Be open-minded and accepting of what people believe, even if you do not yourself.

    The Page of Swords Reversed

    The Page of Swords reversed might show that you’re unprepared for the stage of life you’re chasing after. If you want that new job, that college place or to be able to travel to that far away foreign land, you’ll need to work for it; it can’t just be granted to you.  The page of swords reversed reminds you it’s good to visualise goals and our future selves, but you need to be mindful of the steps and stages required to get from A to B.

    Keywords for the Page of Swords

    Curiosity, energy and passion, new ways of thinking, expression

    Other associations of the Page of Swords

    Element: Air

    As a Yes or No question: Yes

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    Article Info

    Date: Oct 10, 2015
    Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. She has written many articles on a variety of topics within the spirituality niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Readings, Love & Relationships, Spells & Magic and Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her e-book).

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