Ten of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

The Ten of Wands is the tenth tarot card in the suit of Wands. As seen in the Nine of Wands, it isn’t as positive as early cards in the suit. The illustration shows a man burdened by the weight of ten wands. he can see his destination but has a long way to travel.

Below, you will find details of the card meanings of The Ten of Wands tarot card. But first…

…We would recommend speaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The Ten of Wands in relation to your life. That way, when you read the details that follow, you will be able to fully relate. You can do this with a free tarot reading from our experienced, highly-recommended experts at Keen and Psychic Source.

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Ten of Wands in a sentence

The Ten of Wands represents burdens, overworking and excess.

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    Ten of Wands in a time-based position

    Past – The Ten of Wands tarot card in the Past position can represent past period where you were tied down. You’re free now but it is affecting your life. Do you feel as free as you should be? You certainly are. Take some time to think about the burdens you’ve freed yourself from. The Ten of Wands can represent a childhood where you needed to be more mature than others your age. It’s possible something devastating happened which required you to step up and take the reins.

    Present – The Ten of Wands in the present position can mean that you currently feel stuck. There is always a way out, but it will be a challenge. Life is a series of challenges, not obstacles. Don’t feel like there is only one way forward, especially if it all feels very linear right now.

    Future – The Ten of Wands in the future position is a bad omen Be sure you aren’t putting all your eggs in one basket, or setting up your life in a way that if one part of it fails, it all fails. Always have more than one backup just in case. Don’t think the near future is going to get easy through a quick fix. Work towards something you are passionate about, and set yourself goals to achieve. Hard work will feel even much worse if you feel like there is no escape.

    The Ten of Wands in regards to life issues

    Work / Education – The Ten of Wands tarot card in regards to work or education suggests that work may be tough right now, and it might be getting on top of you. You need a short break to get some time away to reset how you’re tackling it all. We need an ‘off’ to be ‘on’ again. Taking a break can do wonders for your productivity. If you feel you have to deal with too much at once, then you can do two things. Either work through it, and look forward to the break afterwards, or divide up your responsibilities now and work on what is most important first.

    Romance – The Ten of Wands in romance is a mixed sign. You might have already accomplished your romantic goals. Maybe you’re married? There’s likely a problem in the relationship that needs addressing; something you both know about but hide whenever it comes up. It’s time to tackle it head on and just get it done with. Don’t let something potentially trivial get in the way of a good relationship.

    Friends – The Ten of Wands tarot card in regards to friendship has a similar meaning to romance. You might have a few best friends who you can count on, but remember, they need to count on you too. Is this an equal relationship?

    Money – The Ten of Wands in regards to finances isn’t another good sign. You might feel like you’re stuck in a rut and not earning much. Re-examine your finances, stop hiding it away and face it. If it sounds feasible, make a plan. Are you holding on to too many material goods? If you’re not selling something simply because you don’t know how, then research how to. You might have something of worth that will solve your finances short term, or by selling it, it could otherwise improve your life.

    Health – The Ten of Wands tarot card in regards to health is another negative meaning. You may be more stressed than normal in the near future, take this as a sign to calm down when you can. If you can, just get away from it all. If you relax only when you know your problems are solved, then have a short break and get straight back into it. Don’t overdo relaxation or working, but try to get a balance.

    Spirituality and Mentality – The Ten of Wands card placed in spirituality should mean that you’re currently in a stressful period of your life. Think outside the past paradigm of your life if it’s been going badly, and start imagining your ideal future. It isn’t something to vividly concentrate on, but idly wonder about. Take things easy and don’t push yourself.

    The Ten of Wands Reversed

    The Ten of Wands reversed reminds us that we often take too much responsibility on in life; whether this is for own our self image, to please others, to show we are capable, or to show off. It’s exhausting to do too much, yet some of us feel we have to do more than our fair share, either for own reasons, or simply because somebody else isn’t contributing as much as they need to. Look to delegate work, especially if nobody else has taken a leadership role. This can be relevant in school, work, or your personal life. The ten of wands reversed urges you to make sure everything feels balanced and fair. Don’t let anybody get away with anything. if you’re feeling like your burden and responsibility is too much, then you need to address this with others involved.

    Numerology of the Ten of Wands

    Ten is a special number in numerology. Like nine, it can mean completion, but it can also represent the number one, but on a higher level. Tens should be treated both as the end of a cycle and the start of the next. The Ten of Wands in terms of numerology represents an unending burden that is persisting. This is not a positive meaning. Identify what is causing you stress in your life and work to eliminate it. Many tens strongly suggest that you will be turning to a new chapter in your life. With the Ten of Wands, again, just be mindful that something negative isn’t seeping through into this new cycle.

    Keywords for the Ten of Wands

    Stress, overwhelming, inspiration, responsibility

    Other associations of The Ten of Wands

    Element: Fire

    As a Yes or No question: No

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    Article Info

    Date: Sep 01, 2015
    Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. She has written many articles on a variety of topics within the spirituality niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Readings, Love & Relationships, Spells & Magic and Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her e-book).

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