Three of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Three of Wands

The Three of Wands is the third card in the suit of Wands. A great card to see in a reading if there’s something you’re aiming for. The Three of Wands usually means you will attain your goals, through prior preparation and good foresight.

Below, you will find details of the card meanings of The Three of Wands tarot card. But first…

…We would recommend speaking to a live Tarot reader to get the best understanding of The Three of Wands in relation to your life. That way, when you read the details that follow, you will be able to fully relate. You can do this with a free tarot reading from our experienced, highly-recommended experts at Keen and Psychic Source.

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Three of Wands in a sentence

The Three of Wands indicates success over time, personal links and forward thinking.

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    Three of Wands in a time-based position

    Past – The Three of Wands in the Past position can represent a past event where you were cautious and forward thinking. It could have been a time when you didn’t rush into something but stayed back for a while and considered all options. You may have been extremely mature for your age and held more responsibility than average.

    Present – The Three of Wands tarot in the present position can mean you’re about to start a new aspect of your life. It’s important not to rush into whatever this is, but if you devote yourself to it fully, you’ll see results. This is especially relevant if you or someone close to you is going for a job with prospects for advancement.

    Future – The Three of Wands in the future position can suggest a strong potential outcome, a life you are happy with if you’re willing to work for it. It isn’t about earning money, it’s about reaching your potential. Be creative now, and you’ll open more doors for yourself in the future.

    The Three of Wands in regards to life issues

    Work / Education – The Three of Wands tarot card in regards to work or education can mean that you’re still working towards your end goal and you’re not currently sure how things are going. Know that all you need to do to succeed is never to give up. It’s a tired saying, but usually true. If you have a few ideas, play with them for a day each to see which you’re happier with. Life isn’t a race. You should consider blazing your own path if you feel things are going at too slow a pace. We’re usually scared of doing something on our own, but it’s something to consider if you’re after rapid growth. If you’re struggling to choose schools, for instance, it might be a good idea to choose one further away from the safety of home.

    Romance – The Three of Wands in romance can mean that you’re going to look to the future regarding your current situation. Can it last forever? Don’t make any rash decisions, but be mindful of your current status and if you want it to change. Make sure your life is balanced generally, and that if you are in a relationship, that neither of you are becoming overbearing or demanding towards the other. Even in the most loving relationships, each partner needs time alone to grow as an individual Too much time spent with each other can cloud our dreams and personalities and change us.

    Friends – The Three of Wands tarot card in regards to friendship can mean that you need some time alone, or at least spend some time away from your established friends for a while. Try something you haven’t done before and meet new people if you can. Go somewhere new and have a fresh experience.

    Money – The Three of Wands in regards to finances is a good sign. If you’ve been working hard, expect to be rewarded. If things are looking bad, think back to when money wasn’t a concern for you and how you can emulate those times. The time old adage is to ‘live within your means’. This can be a satisfying lifestyle, especially if you earn very little and still see yourself able to save each month. To be truly satisfied with money, you need to have a long term goal. Will you save up for a deposit on a house, or save up to start a business or buy that dream car? Set a goal now to work towards and give yourself that drive and direction you need.

    Health – The Three of Wands card is a reassuring card in health, especially if you’ve been actively applying yourself in regards to diet or exercise. If you aren’t seeing any real results yet, power through. Things don’t happen over night. You aren’t changing your body, your changing your mentality to exercise or diet which will bear fruit for the rest of your life.

    Spirituality and Mentality – The Three of Wands tarot card in spirituality can suggest that a period of solitary thought or meditation is in order. The world can be overwhelming, especially in modern times when we are bombarded with so much information and so many different viewpoints to consider. If life seems fuzzy and uncertain, take a step back and have a look at what is going on. What do you want to focus on. Does anyone need any help from you? How can you best live?

    The Three of Wands Reversed

    The Three of Wands Reversed can point towards a lack of impetus in your life, and likely delays occurring in regards to important parts of your life. Is someone or something holding you back? We can hold onto things and people in life for a number of reasons; love, lack of love, financial obligation, pity, jealousy, dependence. The Three of Wands Reversed means you may need to sever some attachment to see your life grow.

    Numerology of The Three of Wands

    Three is a powerful number in numerology, and grounded in the material world (three dimensions). Creative, and stable, three can represent our life as birth, living, and death. The Three of Wands in a numerological sense reminds you that you are currently within a cycle of your life. It’s all ongoing and you may not see the end right now, but the message is to persevere. The Three of Wands tarot card says that you will achieve your goals so long as your motivation outweighs your sense of failure.

    Keywords for the Three of Wands Tarot Card

    Creativity, dedicated tunnel vision, networking, enterprising

    Other associations of The Three of Wands

    Element: Fire

    As a Yes or No question: Yes

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    Article Info

    Date: Sep 01, 2015
    Amelie Rose Estrela is a gifted psychic and lead author for tarot-explained. She has written many articles on a variety of topics within the spirituality niche, including Psychics & Mediums, Tarot & Angel Readings, Love & Relationships, Spells & Magic and Astrology & Horoscopes (the topic of her e-book).

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